Freedom of Speech
Visited mrbrown a while ago.
Seems that his column in TODAY newspaper has been suspended because of some hoo-haa by the government over an entry some days back.
I feel sad for mr brown. I feel even sadder for Singaporeans.
So much have been debated on freeedom of speech and the widening of the OBs in recent times. Apparently nothing much has been changed with the suspension.
I am not blaming the journalists and editors at TODAY. Afterall, it's their rice bowl and they will not risk it over such a sensitive issue. I know from a friend that many are fed-up with all pro-government articles but the people-at-the-very-top force them to do so. So much for the 'non-partisan', 'unbiased' news reporting. (BD you were right!)
When LHL took over at the very top of the hierachy, I thought things were going to change. Friendlier than his father and seemingly able to connect with the citizens better than his predecessors, perhaps it was the sign of things to come. But this latest saga has spilled light on how the current administration is going to work: Low-handedness seems to be the favourite method.
I had discussed this issue with my parents. Typical of the administration they say. One thing they had pointed out. Even with this issue or others that may crop up in the future, not many would dare to vote the opposition into power in 2011 or 2012 because the current APs are not good enough.
As my brother pointed out, "The govt keep teling us to smile for the IMF. How to bloody smile when they are doing such low-handed things?"
Seems that his column in TODAY newspaper has been suspended because of some hoo-haa by the government over an entry some days back.
I feel sad for mr brown. I feel even sadder for Singaporeans.
So much have been debated on freeedom of speech and the widening of the OBs in recent times. Apparently nothing much has been changed with the suspension.
I am not blaming the journalists and editors at TODAY. Afterall, it's their rice bowl and they will not risk it over such a sensitive issue. I know from a friend that many are fed-up with all pro-government articles but the people-at-the-very-top force them to do so. So much for the 'non-partisan', 'unbiased' news reporting. (BD you were right!)
When LHL took over at the very top of the hierachy, I thought things were going to change. Friendlier than his father and seemingly able to connect with the citizens better than his predecessors, perhaps it was the sign of things to come. But this latest saga has spilled light on how the current administration is going to work: Low-handedness seems to be the favourite method.
I had discussed this issue with my parents. Typical of the administration they say. One thing they had pointed out. Even with this issue or others that may crop up in the future, not many would dare to vote the opposition into power in 2011 or 2012 because the current APs are not good enough.
As my brother pointed out, "The govt keep teling us to smile for the IMF. How to bloody smile when they are doing such low-handed things?"
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