Friday, November 03, 2006

What a week....

Ok I realised that my blog is not very up to date. Been very busy. Busy with projects (at least csp is over). Been busy with quizzes. Been busy with presentations.

Ok past few weeks went past in a flash. After my team's record-breaking triumph at the Amazing Race, then there was Asoc(Accounting Society) Day.

I was rather involved in Asoc Day. Being part of the marketing team was quite a good experience although I did not really expect the huge amount of work that we had to do. For days the team cut and paste countless amount of coloured paper and we spent an entire day hanging stuffs. In the end, the hard work paid off as many people were impressed with what we did. To the seniors of the Asoc Day Marketing Team, you all rocked coz I think you all showed me what dedication is all about.

But after Asoc Day, it was back to "hell" for me. Had to catch up my readings and work but I feel that the experience is something I will never exchange for anything else.

Finally had my Comms presentation today. It's something off my mind for now. FA quiz was kinda screwed but my grades for Biz Law mid-terms more than made up for it.

Anyway, a friend said this today," SMU is just like a spolit toilet bowl. No matter how many times you flush, there always seem to have some shit left to be settled."

How apt.


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